Export Notes from Act! SaaS

If you need to export your notes and history from Act! SaaS, well good luck.
That’s what we faced when we came to do just that.

Exporting records is fine, but try exporting the notes & history.
The best Act! SaaS allows you to do is run a Notes/History report.
However this only displays the results on the browser screen. Saving to text just provides a jumble of text.

While it seems Act! SaaS don’t want you to export all your valuable notes and history,
we were able to successfully create an excel file of all records, notes and history.
In our case this was then used to successfully import into an excellent CRM alternative, insightly.com

If you have the same requirement to export your records, notes & history, we can assist.

Enquiries to sales@infotec.com.au